Thursday, 28 June 2012

Vas Happenin' Blog?!

Hello! It's 9:14 pm in Jakarta and i still wake up because i took a nap when afternoon and now i got insomnia. Okay, i don't tell you about my insomnia. i just want to tell you about my feelings being a directioner. sometimes i saw or heard a news that directioners makes one direction's girlfriend deleted their twitter account because we always tweeted them bad words. it's so weird when you see Eleanor or Danielle twitter account and yes you can STILL find them on twitter and OF COURSE it's THEIR REAL TWITTER ACCOUNT they haven't deleted it yet. they exactly replied our(read: directioners) tweets for them and they're so kind with us. maybe the news told is not a directioner but a DIRECTIONATOR. okay, let me explain in here whats the difference of directioners and directionator. directioners is the people who really loves the boys. ALL THE BOYS or we can called ourselves WE'RE THE TRUE FANS OF ONE DIRECTION. directioners KNOWS EVERYTHING about the boys not just one of them but ALL OF THEM. we know what their phobias, when they formed. WE KNOW EVERYTHING and directionator is the people who doesn't know anything about all the boys. they just know ONE OF THEM like she just likes Zayn or Harry. they don't really know about what their phobia, when they formed like us, directioners. so i just want the news and everybody know that we're directioners really loves the boys maybe one or two of us don't like if they closed enough with a girl but we always support them no matter what happened with them. maybe in 2018 everyone doesn't talk anymore about one direction but i am still talk about them because i am really love them and any bands can't replace them:)
-Charlotte .xx

Saturday, 2 June 2012

One Direction

Hello guys! This is my first post for this blog. Actually i have a lot of blogs yeah but i forgot all of them-_-suddenly when i was posted something in my Twitter and searched about One Direction i have a thought why i didn't make a blog for One Direction things and sharing my feelings. So here it is! I'm gonna share some pictures of One Direction! Check it out! But, i just wanna remind you guys THIS IS THE OLD PICTURES:)